Best Prayers for Finding a Wife


The Bible lets us know that he that finds a wife finds a good thing. As important as it may be to find a wife, as Christians our focus should be on finding a ‘good thing’. It is important to involve God in choosing the right partner as the one you’re going to bind your soul ties with. He sees a person as they are and will therefore help us make the right choice. You must also keep in mind that God is the actual head of any Christian home and His opinion is the ultimate one needed in choosing who you plan to spend forever with. To help you involve God in prayer, we’ve put together the best prayers to guide you in praying for finding yourself a life partner

A Man’s Prayer When Finding A Wife

Lord, help me assure my woman that I am responsible and able to provide for her needs. Help me prove that I am a gentleman and God-fearing and would be able to take care of her and protect her in all aspects of life, in good times and in bad.

May I daily make amends in all my shortcomings and make myself ready to give me wholly and truly to a relationship. May I grow in deeper love for You, my God, which will allow me to grow deeper in my relationship with her. Amen.

Prayer Of A Man For A Wife

Lord, I pray for a woman of God, beautiful in heart, mind, and soul. May she be faithful, loyal, sincere, and noble in her thoughts and deeds. Grant her patience. Let her be filled with love, humility, and understanding for me and the family we will commit. Give me the wisdom to make and keep her happy and feeling protected. May she be one fearful in Your sight and be a woman faithful to prayer, praise, and worship for You our God. Let her heart be not worried or afraid of her past which is history and may her present self be in Your way of life. May she be devoted to prayer, family life and know the values of a family of God.

Prayer To Find A Wife

Dear Lord, I ask that you would walk closely with me each day. You know the desire of my heart to meet someone special, To marry and devote my love to another. So I ask that you would lead my footsteps. Take my hand and lead me as I look for love. May I find a partner with whom I can share the rest of my life. Help me to live life to the full with hope in my heart for the future. Abba Father, Before a word is on my lips you know each thought, each tear, each joy you see. For I’m your cherished child.

I find it hard to comprehend the extent of your love. And I know I rarely see myself the way that you see me. Lord, you know my heart, you know I long for love. My search is for that special friend. For intimacy, for friendship. For someone to depend on. I know you watch me proudly As I live each day, each moment.

Please cause my path to cross with someone you’d like me to be with. Guide my heart to take your hand, to hope and trust in you. Help me to be patient, until I meet somebody who you know will be a perfect match for me. I am sure, you want the best for your child. Amen.


It’s also easy sometimes to lose sight of the goal of building a virtuous home because of our loneliness, urgent need for companionship, or just peer pressure. We may be tempted sometimes to just pick a wife of our own accord, but prayer helps us bring back that focus and gives us the patience to wait on the Lord. Don’t stop praying. As long as she’s from God, she will definitely be worth the wait.