Best Prayers for Finding a Life Partner


Marriage is a beautiful union instituted by God Himself, and there is no one more fit to play Matchmaker than God Himself, its Creator. When God brings people together in holy matrimony, you can be sure that marriage is fully endorsed and backed by Him. It is God’s delight to give you a life partner who will cherish you, build a beautiful family with you and help you run the rest of your Christian race.

To help you fully involve God in picking your life partner, we’ve provided the best prayers to act as guidelines when you pray.

Prayer For For A Life Partner

Almighty Father, thank you. You know the deep longings of my heart and You know what is best for me in life. Lord, help me as I desire a good companion in life.

If it is Your will, guide me, Lord, to the partner You have chosen for them. Give them the wisdom and direct them in their pursuit to choose me. Everyone deserves a loving and God-fearing partner, for a happy life. We ask You to remove all obstacles in our way and perfect everything for us. Send me the one who will complete me and help me serve and love you better. Amen.

Prayer For Guidance

Lord, You said that it is not good for man to be alone. We ask You to listen to my heart as I look for a life partner. Put my yearning for marriage in the right perspective. Lead me to the one You choose and reveal Your plans for them so that I can prepare myself better. Lord, teach and guide me to seek You first and to learn to give love more than expecting to receive it. Help me to remember that whatever journey my life leads them on, You are always present, always offering companionship, and always filling their deepest need. Amen.

Prayer For Perseverance In Temptations

Heavenly Father, You understand my desires of the flesh. Being single is tough, Father, and I pray that you will help me as I battle sexual temptation. Lord, I want to save myself for my wife/husband. I don’t want to give away such a personal part of me to some woman/man that I won’t spend my life with. Father, You want me to stay pure until the wedding day, so please give me strength when I am weak. Give me a way out when sexual feelings bombard me. Lord, I need You to walk with me! Thank You for life, Father! May my life reflect Your love to others this day. Amen.

Prayer For Strength

I long for the companionship of a mate, and it is getting so difficult. I don’t want to settle for someone who You don’t want me with. I want a physical connection so bad. I want hours-long conversations at night. But, I don’t want to settle just to have these things. Father, please hear my prayer to You. Guide me to a person who is right for me. Guide me to someone who loves You above all things. Lord, give me strength for today as I continue searching for a spouse. Holy God, being single is a gift. There is nothing wrong with being single, but I still long for a partner in this life. Father, while I am waiting, give me strength to endure each day. Lord, I am Your child. I pray that my life can reflect Christ to those around me always. Father, I will praise You in this time of singleness and I pray that You will be glorified in all I do this day! May everyone I meet see You in me today! And if possible, may my future spouse see me as well! I love You! Amen.

Prayer For A Good Life Partner

I am ready to find a mate. Lord, until the day comes where we meet, I will keep hoping and dreaming. I can imagine what our first kiss will feel like! I can imagine how wonderful holding hands will be! I can imagine how emotionally connected we will be through long conversations! I can imagine how attractive they will be and outshine all of the rest around me! Father, I love You and I want to show that love to a mate. Guide me to someone who will be good for me. I love You, Amen.


Even as we pray for a life partner, it is very important to pray for the patience and put our faith in God that He will bring the love of our life to us. The sight of married and dating couples all around us could shorten our patience fuse and lead us into making hasty, wrong choices that are not God’s will for us. Just like the sacrifice and the wood to burn it come from Him, your partner and the patience to wait for them will also come from Him. Keep praying.