Daily Prayers for the Marriage Strengthening


Prayer is a gift God gave us to have direct access to His throne room and communicate with Him. Praying for your marriage is one of the faithful actions we deplore to experience an intimate and thriving union, and to seeing God’s power in our marriage. A Christian married is a three fold cord of love comprising of God, a man and a woman. It is called a soul tie, one of the strongest bonds to be in existence.

As married couples, there should be a proper understanding between partners. This comes in handy when there is anger — you are not fighting each other — rather you are each fighting a spiritual war that threatens to tear down the marriage. It is at this point that you fight the good fight of faith side by side, hand in hand, and in one accord. Prayers for a stronger marriage is a powerful force that can help create a solid, life-long marriage bond. It’s important that couples pray together but If your spouse does not pray with you, don’t let that deter you from standing strong and continuing to pray each day. The key to getting through moments of marital strain is to not let the hard days pull you apart, but instead bring you back together again.

The following marriage prayers are purposed to encourage and guide you to pray for specific aspects of your marriage. Please say these prayers intentionally and see the changes God Himself will introduce to your marriage.

Prayer for Love and Unity

Ephesians 4:3

“Make every effort to keep yourselves united in the Spirit, binding yourselves together with peace.”
Heavenly Father we come before you to thank you for all you have done and continue to do in our lives and marriage. We come before you today, God, asking for a stronger bond of unity in our marriage covenant. Father, we ask that you will give us the ability to be united, letting nothing come between us. In your presence, we renew our wholehearted choice to love. Bless this holy commitment with courage, strength, tenacity, and most of all joy. Help us, Father to identify and work through anything that is not pleasing to you so we can continually reach higher levels of unity in our marriage – spiritually, physically, and mentally.
We are thankful and excited to see the work of your hand as we do our best to seek your face daily. We love you and thank you for all of these things. In Jesus’ name, we pray…


Prayer for Forgiving Spirit

1 John 1:9

“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.”
Heavenly Father, as we strive to continuously build a stronger marriage, help us to forgive one another for things that may hurt or offend us. Help us to walk in forgiveness and never lose sight of the fact that you have forgiven us.
Help us to show mercy and grace to each other any time the need arises. Help us not to bring up past hurts or failures. Let us be an example of forgiveness to not only our spouse but to those around us so we can continue to show your love to all we meet. Help us to also forgive ourselves if we struggle with condemnation. Thank you for your life-giving words of truth that we may be redeemed by the blood of the Lamb. In Jesus’ name, we pray…


Prayer When Storms in Marriage Comes

Ephesians 4:2

“Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.”
Help us to find refuge in you when the storms in marriage come. Wash away our selfish ambitions. Help us to be there for our spouse when they are weak when their spiritual life seems dry when we can’t see where they are coming from, or when they simply don’t care to try in return. Help us to be patient with them while continuing to hope for a better marriage, better communication. Help us love them as our brother or sister in Christ. May you be at the center of our marriage, helping us withstand the rain and droughts of rough seasons. May our love be a fire, burning for you. Help us strive side by side for the gospel.

Prayer to Restore Trust in Marriage

Ecclesiastics 9:9

“Enjoy life with your wife, whom you love, all the days of this meaningless life that God has given you under the sun—all your meaningless days. For this is your lot in life and your toilsome labor under the sun.”
Lord, it is your will that we are reconciled together and that our love for each other will grow and blossom, no matter what has happened between us in the past. Lord, heal our marriage of all spiritual attacks and manipulations. Let this healing start with me. Lord, have mercy on our relationship and rebuild the trust and honesty that has eluded this marriage. Remove and break all ungodly soul-ties.
Lord, I command seven-fold restoration of the trust and honesty that the evil one has stolen from us, in Jesus’ name…


Prayer for Wisdom in Marriage

Ephesians 5:33

“However, let each one of you love his wife as himself, and let the wife see that she respects her husband.”
Father, I am very grateful that You are so ready to give us the wisdom we need. You tell us in Your Word that If we need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to us. He will not rebuke us for asking. Thank you, Lord, that we can bring every request to you, including the request for more wisdom. As we face our trials, challenges, and choices, give us you fresh perspective. Help us see life through your lens – through the lens of the gospel. Help us have confidence in our minds, and the Spirit – who is always with us. Help us know and discern your will…


Prayer for Joy in Marriage

1Peter 4:8

“Above all, keep loving one another earnestly since love covers a multitude of sins.”Dear
Heavenly Father, Please bless our marriage with an abundance of joy. We started strong, and it’s our deepest desire that we finish that way. Some couples go through life barely communicating, hardly enjoying each other’s company, and missing out on the many blessings that marriage can bring. We want more for our marriage. We want to be able to laugh together and to enjoy this journey we’re on. Remind us to look for joy and to choose it over our sorrow. As long as we’re living, may we always find a reason to smile. In the name of Jesus…



The road to a happy marriage is far from easy and as today’s divorce statistics demonstrate all too well, many couples opt not to complete the journey. But as you begin to say these prayers, you’ll notice that your focus automatically starts to shift away from you and your desires and over to God and your partner. Also, through the help of scriptures, it is a known fact that prayers made in faith come with great results.

If you commit your relationship to God and make a conscious decision each day to put God and your partner first, your marriage will be able to weather any storm. Not only that; you’ll also have plenty of fun together along the way.